Fantasy Dinner Party No. 1

In an effort to remain topical, each month we come up with our own fantasy dinner party attendants — alive or dead. Tweet us your recommendations.

Introducing Volume 1, Issue 1…


John Bercow, for his new availability to moderate dinner party discussion 

George Saunders, “because I’m currently reading his essay collection The Brain-Dead Megaphone. He’s got that kind of voice that makes you want to call him after you’ve closed the book, as Holden Caulfield would say. Or invite him to dinner, as I would say.” 

Maria Andreescu, mother of US Open champion Bianca Andreescu, for her #goals low affect and fashion aesthetic (and her little dog too)


Massaged kale

Chlorinated chicken salad

30 to 50 feral hogs, stuffed with apples and roasted on a spit

“TikTok drink”